General terms and conditions of Sale

The use of this website constitutes acceptance of the following conditions. Greenfizz reserves the right to take legal action in the event of a breach of these conditions of use, in particular in the event of non-respect and unauthorised use of Greenfizz names and emblems or in the event of a breach of rights relating to information, graphics, texts, videos, audio documents, photos and images and more generally to the entire content of the site.


Hybride Conseil

Telephone contact details :
Graphic Design : Hybride Conseil
Technical realisation: Hybride Conseil

Accommodation – Security

Hybride Conseil
Perpignan – France
RCS 492 079 397 00039
Company with share capital de 12,000 €

Direction of the publication

Martin Carniel et Fabrice Fièvre


In application of the French Intellectual Property Code and, more generally, international treaties and agreements containing provisions relating to the protection of copyright, it is forbidden, for any use other than private or educational, to reproduce, sell, distribute, modify, publish in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, the data, presentation or organisation of the site, as well as the works protected by copyright therein, without specific and prior written authorisation, the request for which must be addressed to the webmaster.


Those responsible for online services that create links to this site are required to inform the webmaster. This website may contain links to other sites that are not under permanent control. These links are considered useful and may enrich the information on the site. Greenfizz does not accept any responsibility relating to these sites, in particular with regard to the accuracy or reliability of the information, data and opinions contained therein.

Protection of personal data

You are required to provide personal information, in particular when using the contact form. The information you provide is for the exclusive use of Greenfizz and will not be passed on to third parties under any circumstances. Any user who has communicated directly or indirectly nominative information, may request the communication of this information to the service administrator and have it rectified if necessary, in accordance with the French law N 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to information technology, files and freedom. To exercise this right, please contact the webmaster. We inform you that the confidentiality of correspondence transmitted via the Internet is not guaranteed.

The data collected from visitors who have expressed their support on the website may be contacted by email in order to inform them of news or events, serving the interest they have shown in Greenfizz and the cause they defend. These visitors may express their refusal to be contacted by sending a message via the “Contact” page of the website.

Disclaimer of liability

Greenfizz takes the necessary steps to ensure the reliability of the information contained in this site. However, it cannot be held liable for any errors, omissions or results that may be obtained as a result of the use of the information disseminated. Greenfizz is only bound by an obligation of means concerning the information made available on the site. Similarly, it is in no way responsible for infection by viruses or any other computer problem with destructive effects.

Les cookies

What is a cookies?

Un cookie est une information déposée sur votre disque dur par le serveur du site que vous visitez. Ils ont notamment pour but de collecter des informations relatives à votre navigation sur les sites et de vous adresser des services personnalisés.

How to refuse cookies?

We remind you that the settings may modify your access conditions to certain services requiring the use of cookies, such as access to your account. You can at any time choose to deactivate these cookies in your browser settings. You can accept or refuse cookies on a case-by-case basis or refuse them systematically once and for all.